Jose's family and friends rented a farmhouse where they could get ready together. Once dressed, they toasted with whisky before leaving for the ceremony.Gemma also changed with her friends in a flat in the centre of Blanes.
The bride wore an elegant two-piece dress by designer Isabel Núñez with a flowing blouse attached to a long V-tail, which she combined with Flor de Asoka shoes. The groom chose a custom-made black tuxedo from Gimeno Chollet Tailoring.
The ceremony was officiated by the couple's respective siblings. After the emotional celebration of the rite of the sand and the speeches of several friends, the groom's sisters wanted to dedicate a song to the newlyweds.
The bride and groom made their entrance in an old white convertible golf car and started the aperitif-dinner. Gemma and Jose gave great importance to the aperitif because for them it was essential to be able to spend time with their guests. For this reason they decided to have a cocktail dinner and dispense with the formal dinner in the dining room.
To liven up the aperitifthe bride and groom handed out shots of Jagger and made the guests dance before the concert of the cover band The Tutsies started. The guests arrived to the concert in high spirits and were in the mood to give their all. To give you an idea, even the bride and groom ended up jumping off the stage and flying through the air like two rock stars.
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